A Campaign to Reclaim Self ~ 3 Mar 2023

It’s not even Aries yet and there’s heaps of bodies in Aries mixing it up out there. At the ready are Vesta, Jupiter, Chiron, Eris, Venus and Juno. Three to four days after Venus grazes into her home turf of Taurus (16 March), Mercury and the Sun traipse into the first sign. As one might be inclined to ask, “Is it always about you?” Aries replies, “Yes. Of course, it is. Isn’t it always?”

There’s actually a healthy organic morsel in such thinking. Functioning as self-referential can contribute to confidence. Given that ones consciousness is sufficiently evolved to understand how the thoughts, words and deeds of ones undertakings directly impact all those in range of ones influence, strong outcomes result. More to the point, by applying Aries alacrity one is always ready to process the consequence of every life blip on the radar, heavily favoring what one needs and wants from such contacts, all the while ensuring others benefit too.

One of the most important aspects of the current Jupiter in Aries occurs on 11 March as Jupiter conjoins Chiron. When Chiron endured his ironic wounding by a deflected arrow cast from Hercules’ bow for which he conjured lethal poison for the arrow’s tip (lethal for mortals), henceforth he dealt with enduring pain. Since he was born of Saturn and as such was cursed with immortality, life sucked. He could not conjure a remedy to heal himself. Every single act hurt. Every task caused unbearable suffering. Finally, Chiron appealed to Jupiter requesting relief from his pain. When Jupiter indicated the remedy, Chiron agreed to relinquish his immortality.

Jupiter granted the request in two parts: Chiron would be placed in the heavens as the centaur in Sagittarius; first Chiron needed to assume the position of Prometheus in the underworld. Both deeds were done. The end result: Jupiter relieved Chiron’s unending suffering. How great is that?

Commonly with Jupiter to Chiron transits a medical test comes back with results that are either nothing, or those that can be successfully remedied. But Jupiter intends to be universal. He seeks to relieve all aspects of suffering. In the instance of Chiron, a person enjoying personal or collective Jupiter to Chiron aspects (through any aspect), the opportunity to heal a significant wound presents itself. The wound to heal: that of not being enough. Should one feel inadequate, insufficient, underrated, undervalued, unloved or not appreciated, events occur in which a person gets to live well as the best revenge. This of course requires unprecedented, bold and confident action on the part of the individual, even if the individual does not believe the self assertions required for the tasks. Given life results, the native looks around and realizes this all happened because of their actions. An awareness of self healing appears.

Something astrologically remarkable is in progress. Everyone alive, since the time Jupiter was in late Pisces up to 23 April experiences the following aspect in common: transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Eris.

Eris in Aries knows what if feels like to be dejected, rejected, subjected, objectified, disqualified, shut out and excluded. Here comes Jupiter to soothe the pain of disruptive Eris... following her cooperation in aiding Jupiter’s plan to trick the ruler of Mycenae into surrendering his throne. This happened. Then, the result of what Jupiter and Eris did becomes clear. The two in tandem reversed the order of the heavens for one day, such that big picture perspectives could be reset and the Sun’s rise in the east was never taken for granted again.

The Jupiter to Eris transits permits everyone to find a way into the arena of life in which they feel they must exist in order to be victorious in life. So, this April, step up and realize what progress occurred as the result of individualized effort. It is rather amazing when measured against ones history of life.

The Jupiter to Eris effect is early in the self affirmation process. One may note Chiron will continue in Aries over the next few years and will in fact, reach Eris. Symbolically, this represents the culmination of massive self awareness, self confidence and a personal perception of formidability in all life’s tasks. Positive self-centered perception!

Chiron conjoins Eris three times in the next few years. These dates are: 26 May 2025, 08 Oct 2025 (retrograde), and 18 March 2026.

This ten-month window holds the potential to yield a greater sense of self awareness for all persons than at any other time in history. Sure going back slightly more than five decades this transit occurred. When it did (March 1972), however, astronomers and astrologers possessed no awareness of either Chiron or Eris. This is the first time in human history this aspect is conscious.

Suffice it to say that what sets up as a self awareness trajectory might require three years to come to fullest fruition. In the overall scheme of things, three years for a major life objective to complete... you know, polishing off that self-awareness thing, is but the blink of an eye.

I do have a prediction for three years out. Those active on social media will collectively tire of “following.” Influencers and their inflated self referentialism likely takes a big hit. Platforms designed for this level of social elitism will have had their fun. It’s far interesting to follow your own soul’s course.

Meanwhile, work to explore all your inner workings as if discovering the most fascinating cave ever to be found! It’s all part of the campaign to reclaim yourself.

More soon.

Since the topic of you becoming the best version of you possible, how about clicking on the links below to arrange a consultation or regime of consultations? Or you can order up one of those self-awareness provoking Galactic Reports, ask a question relevant to your life or even check out the astrological treatises for a deeper dive into the wonder of all that’s out there. The links below will get you where you need to go.


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